In 2024 I wouldn’t have ever dreamt that a young Black male, would have to spend a great portion of his High School year in an in-school suspension program, based on his hairstyle. How such utter foolishness could exist in this day in age is baffling, and extremely unsettling. Darryl George should not be missing school based on his hair. If it were for something like a fight, or malicious activity of some sort, then I could understand. How racist must an individual be that he would use his authority to attack a child? A superintendent by the name of Greg Poole took out a whole ad in a paper against student Darryl George. It was paid for by the Barber’s Hill Education Foundation. The ad was taken out basically to reinforce that the student was violating their district's hair policy. This is simply another way of subjugating, and dominating the black male, and putting him under the feet of white men. This is cultural suppression. Yes, I dare say that this is spiritual wickedness in high places, as it is written in Ephesians 6:12 KJV.
Somehow Judge Chap Cain III, in Texas found a loophole in regards to hair length, in the Crown Act. He ruled that the school’s decision regarding Darryl was not in violation of The Crown Act. It appears that there may need to be some amending. It’s sickening and disgusting that this is happening. Have Black People not gone through enough in this country after building it for free, and helping it become what it is today? I’m tired of living in a world that is insistent on ridiculing Black People for their self expression of their Blackness, all the while non-black people are lauded for their appropriation of Blackness. I have to wonder how powerful Darryl George must be, that grown white males Governor George Abbot, Superintendent Greg Poole, Attorney General Ken Paxton, and Judge Chap Cain III would come against him, hoping that he would submit to their control. All the while robbing him of his highschool years. I hope he continues forward with his held high, his locs intact, and self esteem rooted in the beauty of Blackness. I’m writing to lift my voice on the behalf of Darryl George and the many other Black Children that are doing their best to be well in a white supremist system, that was built to collapse on them in some way or another. I wrote this as an effort to remind us (Black People) that although the subjugation, and slavery of Black People is over, the powers that be often want to enslave us via a colonized mindset, and mass assimilation. This is often done by planting seeds of self hate, and forced conformity. All the while uplifting whiteness, though stealing black beauty trends, colloquialisms, etc., from Black Culture. I cannot stress enough in this month for Black People to celebrate, but not only in the month of February but 365. For non Black people to care enough to educate themselves in a season where Black History is being rebuked in schools. Food for thought, it all leads back to Black. Proudly Celebrating Blackness, April E. Lovely Coils Founder & Owner
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