Around late October through December, we start to hear the phrase, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year”. I’m almost positive that phrase all started with the famous song by Andy Williams. I have heard many people–even a prominent political figure–recently say that this is the season of giving, the season to count our blessings, to create blessings and be grateful. Well, I don’t believe in waiting for a certain time to express these sentiments anymore. I’ve learned regardless of the circumstances that it's very beneficial to my spirit to exercise a grateful heart. I've acquired this knowledge through much adversity, and having lived near the poverty line to understand that there is great power in generosity.
True short story, one Christmas when I was little, we didn’t have a lot of money (my dad was usually gambling it away) or any Christmas gifts. I think I was about 8 years of age. There were five of us kids. My mom had a friend who must’ve known we didn’t have much and she gave us a huge box. It was filled with toys, and I can’t remember what else. All I know is that it was the best Christmas. Her generosity changed our young lives, even if for only a moment. I believe in counting my blessings every day, because somebody somewhere has it much worse. Like our houseless neighbors that reside in tents, and various places. We live in a time where being mindful of these things is not always simple to do. We’re so inundated with content, the list of what you may see on a daily basis via various social media platforms is endless. Innumerable amounts of people posting their clothing hauls for a trip, new cars, perceived happy family pics, how their business is booming and so forth. It can leave a person wondering, how can I obtain that? If you spend time wallowing in comparison, trying to figure out how to obtain what you see, or what you heard about someone else having, you may miss the opportunities in front of you. Opportunities for what, one may ask? Opportunities to be grateful for what you have right now, and not bypass the moment to be generous with what you have, if you’re able to do so. I’m certain that I don’t want to be the person so focused on getting the “bag”, or so focused on obtaining whatever it is that demonstrates the perception of “winning", that I miss a moment to be a blessing, or the fact that I am alive is a blessing in itself. Which should cause me to be grateful, right? Hopefully, you can see where I’m going with this. Imagine making a positive impact on someone in the month of May, when they needed it most, instead of waiting to be generous during the months of November and December. How many people, mom’s, dad’s, or senior citizens trying to purchase food for themselves or family that was short on cash could get help? Imagine being that person stepping in before someone had to go to the food bank, or had to leave their groceries behind.… Can you imagine everyday citizens of the global community, those that could do something, would actually do something? No, I’m not leaving myself out here, I am a global citizen as well. By the way there is absolutely nothing wrong with needing a food bank, I’ve been there myself before. Thank God for food banks and institutions that work year round to be a blessing to households that experience food insecurity. As a global community member, I hope as a society we can stop waiting until the last quarter of the year to spread kindness, generosity, to be grateful, or for it to be “the most wonderful time of the year”. When possible, as individuals let us create these opportunities year round, in an effort to foster a more beautiful world individually and for the global collective. Humanely, April Etuk Lovely Coils Founder & Owner
I apologize to the faithful readers of this blog, I never meant to take this long, but life has been “lifing”. Since the beginning of 2024, the gale force winds of life have been blowing. The torrential rains so-to-speak nearly knocked me off of my feet. I’ve never seen a year with such tragedy, chaos, challenges, and death and then somehow the repeat button has been pressed. When tragedy strikes you can’t always explain, or understand why it occurs. If you’re like me you want to know why, but why has a very long tail. It often leads to a myriad of unanswered questions. You will drive yourself nearly insane trying to figure it all out. So don’t try to decipher the reason for the series of unfortunate events that may have unfolded in your life. I often find myself practicing the truth that “all things work together”, including whatever storm I’m in.
Not to be cliche, but you have to find the faith, then keep it. The faith for what you ask? The faith to believe that something good will come out of all of the rubbish. I’m still believing for good, as I am in the midst of life’s unexpected, unmerited, and unusual onslaught of relentless challenges. If you are in the thick of it, I encourage you to keep going. Give no power to the storms of life that seek to tear you down, knock you off your feet, and then persuade you that this is the end. Hunker down and refuse to let life’s storms take from you. Believe me I’m talking to myself right now as well. Self care by feeding your spirit, and reading books like “Who Moved My Cheese?”, or The Present, By Spencer Johnson. Choose to create joy! Yes, you can actually do that. We don’t have to wait for permission, or until the storm is over to feel better. What has to change in our circumstances is us. We must change the way we respond. So proceed ahead, take walks, smell some flowers, have dinner in the park, reach out and spread a little joy to the world around you. Participating in your own joy is what you’ll be doing. You won’t be waiting for the perfect weather in your life, to enjoy your life. Here’s a quick activity to create joy in your life, and to speak life into your future, even in the midst of the storm. My family and I do it everyday. Look up into the sky, find an airplane, and imagine where you are on your way to, or coming from. It’s a sweet game that my son made when he was about 7 or 8 years old, he’s well into his teens now. He told us that he used to be sad wishing he could get on an airplane, and one day he just looked up and decided he would imagine where he was going instead of wishing.The blessing is this young man has been to quite a few places in his life since then, so it definitely is a seed into the future. It will encourage you to take the Dr. Seuss’ approach, and dream big, like in the book “Oh the Places You’ll Go!” I hope that you are able to “weather” whatever storm that may be in your life today. I hope, and pray that you come out of it, shining like a diamond. It a takes myriad of circumstances to form diamonds, and the irritation inside oysters to form the most beautiful pearls. I tell my daughter this all the time, because she has been through so much. Negative comments, and looks of disapproval from relatives, as if she isn’t good enough. She’s endured awful words from former friends, and associates. Therefore, I remind her that she is a pearl. So I will remind you as well, yes you, who is reading this now. You are a pearl, and you are a diamond. Keep shining, and keep pressing through life’s storms, for I truly believe for you as I do for myself that the best is still yet to come. Weathering the Storm, April E. Lovely Coils Founder & Owner In 2024 I wouldn’t have ever dreamt that a young Black male, would have to spend a great portion of his High School year in an in-school suspension program, based on his hairstyle. How such utter foolishness could exist in this day in age is baffling, and extremely unsettling. Darryl George should not be missing school based on his hair. If it were for something like a fight, or malicious activity of some sort, then I could understand. How racist must an individual be that he would use his authority to attack a child? A superintendent by the name of Greg Poole took out a whole ad in a paper against student Darryl George. It was paid for by the Barber’s Hill Education Foundation. The ad was taken out basically to reinforce that the student was violating their district's hair policy. This is simply another way of subjugating, and dominating the black male, and putting him under the feet of white men. This is cultural suppression. Yes, I dare say that this is spiritual wickedness in high places, as it is written in Ephesians 6:12 KJV.
Somehow Judge Chap Cain III, in Texas found a loophole in regards to hair length, in the Crown Act. He ruled that the school’s decision regarding Darryl was not in violation of The Crown Act. It appears that there may need to be some amending. It’s sickening and disgusting that this is happening. Have Black People not gone through enough in this country after building it for free, and helping it become what it is today? I’m tired of living in a world that is insistent on ridiculing Black People for their self expression of their Blackness, all the while non-black people are lauded for their appropriation of Blackness. I have to wonder how powerful Darryl George must be, that grown white males Governor George Abbot, Superintendent Greg Poole, Attorney General Ken Paxton, and Judge Chap Cain III would come against him, hoping that he would submit to their control. All the while robbing him of his highschool years. I hope he continues forward with his held high, his locs intact, and self esteem rooted in the beauty of Blackness. I’m writing to lift my voice on the behalf of Darryl George and the many other Black Children that are doing their best to be well in a white supremist system, that was built to collapse on them in some way or another. I wrote this as an effort to remind us (Black People) that although the subjugation, and slavery of Black People is over, the powers that be often want to enslave us via a colonized mindset, and mass assimilation. This is often done by planting seeds of self hate, and forced conformity. All the while uplifting whiteness, though stealing black beauty trends, colloquialisms, etc., from Black Culture. I cannot stress enough in this month for Black People to celebrate, but not only in the month of February but 365. For non Black people to care enough to educate themselves in a season where Black History is being rebuked in schools. Food for thought, it all leads back to Black. Proudly Celebrating Blackness, April E. Lovely Coils Founder & Owner Within the first few weeks of the New Year, gyms are almost packed to the brim. The list of gym goers generally consist of newcomers, gym backsliders, and the OG’s that have been committed since day one of their membership. Most are there to lose weight, tone up, or to maintain their weight. If you’re wondering where I am, I’m the intermittent gym-goer who sees the world as my gym. Choosing to combat weight in the kitchen first. Anyway, we're not here for me, let me continue. The strange thing about New Year's resolutions is that the most popular ones have always been about fitness. I was pondering this back in November of 2023, if any resolutions are ever about detoxing. I’m solely thinking about chemical toxins, brought upon us through body products, and food that we eat. There are so many products that we use daily that are slowly putting our own signature on our death certificate. The cause of death on the certificate would be a plethora of harmful substances consumed through our skin and our digestive system. There are insurmountable amounts of chemicals in various hair products as well, which is one reason I created my own hair products. Moreover, what got me contemplating this topic of detoxing chemicals was a gentleman that asked me to view some information about the dangers of talcum powder. I went into deep thought about how many chemicals and toxins that we unknowingly consume. You know the sometimes ten syllable words that you’re embarrassed to read aloud, because you can’t pronounce them, and it sorta makes you feel inadequate with your reading skills. I might be only talking about myself, but I’m sure you get the gist of what I’m saying. What I’m really trying to do is open your eyes to everyday toxic materials that are slowly destroying our lives, and making us sick overtime. As consumers, we must be vigilant about our health, placing the power back in our hands. Choosing to read labels and understand what you’re putting in your body is one way to do that. A myriad of commodities that are sold in the U.S. are hazardous to the health of humanity. We are consuming products that are heavily laden with chemicals that are connected to disease. I would like to encourage you to take the time to look on the back of your personal care products, and even food. For starters, pick one or two words on the back of an item, and research them. Interestingly enough look at the word fragrance and see the illnesses that it's connected to. I hope in addition to what you’ve resolved to do this year, if you haven’t started your chemical-free resolution, you will begin now. Prost (that's cheers in German) to a chemical-free New Year! Most Graciously, April E. Lovely Coils Founder & Owner December is a time when most people are feeling more generous, empathetic, and compassionate towards humanity. I’ve noticed that this seems to happen slightly just around the end of October, definitely prior to Thanksgiving. But, what if we didn’t wait until this time of year to pour out love into the world? What if the month of December didn’t have to carry the weight that it does for so many people? What would the world around each individual look like? On a larger scale, how could that change the global community?
I started living life where I create joyful moments everyday, not just in my life, or the life of my family members. I work to actively engage in meaningful interactions with humanity. As I write this blog, it’s been about three weeks since my daughter and I helped a blind gentleman across the street to the bus stop. I know it seems exaggerated, but it’s actually true. We were running errands and stopped by a grocery store, and a man who was visually impaired approached us (he must’ve heard us chatting, and carrying on). He then proceeds to ask us for help, and if we could direct him to the bus stop. After I tried to explain where it was exactly, he asked if we could walk him there. We had such a great time being of assistance to him, as he explained how he had been hit 3 times by cars while trying to cross the street. We said a quick prayer as we walked that it would never happen to him again. He told my teen daughter, and I that we were beautiful souls. That meant a lot to us. I won’t reveal his name I’ll just call him Mr. D, because his name started with the letter D. Taking the time to help him blessed us, just as much as it blessed him. Guess what… he didn’t even share the same ethnicity with us. That in itself is a reminder that a person does not have to look like you, to show love, kindness, or compassion. Our thankfulness and giving should not be regulated, and reserved for one season of the year. I tell my children often “don’t delay joy”. Why must we wait until a holiday to give gifts? You can give gifts just because. Too often in our society, kind words, charity, and gatherings are reserved for this time of year. Which is probably why quite often we hear the song, “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year”. So many people suffer from anxiety, and depression, and it can be sparked, or heightened around the holidays. These feelings can be induced by comparison. With social media, and the Hollywood “perfect” Christmas movies, don’t help with easing these feelings at all. Moreover, it doesn’t help to sit and scroll watching others post their seemingly perfect holiday pics, in matching family pjs. What I’m about to propose is definitely not the norm. Yet, I live this now. Try creating joy 365. The warm fuzzy moments, and acts of kindness, can be cultivated all throughout the year. Homeless people shouldn’t have to wait for, “the most wonderful time”, to eat, or solely rely on missions to receive a warm meal that didn’t come from a fast food garbage can, or Plaid Pantry. What you sow, you will reap, give and it shall be given.…So what if you tried doing some of these things all year long? No, I’m not saying that you do it all, but carve a little time out, to live, and on purpose. It will bring much joy to you as the giver, and the recipients as well. What if kind words became a mode of operation, and way of life for you? What if acts of charity become the norm? Imagine several of the three hundred and sixty-five days a year, extending your hand to give alms, parting your lips to give words of love to humanity in general, not just to people that look like you, or that share your same ethnicity and background. Like the song by Louis Armstrong, “What a Wonderful World”, this would be. Try alleviating yourself of the stress of any particular day, and celebrate just because. Do a little research on some of the true origins and roots of major holidays, and decide if this is something you, and your family need or want to continue doing. What if you started a new tradition for yourself, your family and friends? Imagine gathering for no reason at all creating joyous moments without permission? No, not to post for others to see and envy, but to create a new thing that doesn’t leave you struggling in deeper debt, at the start of the new year; because you had to purchase the latest and greatest thing to let someone that you loved them, because that’s the “trending gift” of the season. Does your child really need an iPhone 15, all the while little Black children in the Congo are handpicking the coltan, and cobalt that goes in them? I’m writing this to say that joy, charity, and kindness should not be tied to a season. Hence the lyrics, “Tis the season to be jolly”. No, we may not be joyful all the time, but perhaps we don’t have to delay joy until one season of the year. Perhaps we don’t wait to show someone we love them, to give to someone in need, or to volunteer our time in a soup kitchen. Moreover, do you really need a season to be jolly, or could you take the power in your own hands and celebrate anytime, the gift of life, every day of the year? Creating Joy 365, April Etuk Lovely Coils Founder & Owner It would be remiss of me to continue business as usual and life as usual, ignoring the mass amount of suffering occurring in historic Northeast Africa modernly known as the Middle East. As a small business owner, some might say, “be quiet, keep your head down, discussing this wouldn’t be good for your business, this doesn’t concern you. Well, I’ve never been one (as an adult) to put my head down, and the suffering of humanity anywhere will always be my business. I choose to open my eyes, and do my part as a citizen in the Global Community. I write not only as a concerned citizen in our global community, but I write as a mother who couldn’t imagine the horrors faced by the Palestinians, or the many other groups around the world suffering right now. I couldn’t imagine being at home laughing with my family and all of a sudden a bomb drops on our house, and I find myself the only one left, looking for my loved ones in the rubble. Or having a child be the only one left in our family, and now he or she is orphaned.
My heart goes out to all that have family members that have died, or have been taken hostage in this unfortunate war. I choose to separate Hamas from the Palestinian people, they didn’t do this. I will not ignore the plight of Palestinians for freedom, and the right to exist as human beings. This moment in history precedes October 7th. Palestine has been occupied for over 75 years. Hamas reminded the world of that, and it is unfortunate that it happened in that way. Many of us may be unfamiliar with the word Nakba. So if you truly want to be educated, and not just reactive to corporate media, or post on social media outlets then educate yourself. The annexation, and genocide of Palestinians is no different than what has happened to North America, South America, Hawaiian Islands, and various countries all throughout Africa, especially South Africa, and it’s former apartheid regime. These harsh takeovers have left many longing for an existence that once was, watching their history, and legacies being erased while those with white skin stood to profit, and gain off of the losses of the indigenous people. I am a diligent, and avid researcher. I am not one that is spoon fed by mass corporate media. I’ve actually been aware of the genocide in Palestine for about 7 years. While I was researching Black History in an effort to help heal my people, I began to find out about a myriad other unpopular hidden truths, that don’t air on corporate stations, and aren’t taught in schools. My stance is for Palestinians to be free once again, living peaceably in their land. What’s happening to them, is no different than what has happened to many groups of color around the world. It’s time out. This is unfortunately white supremacy, no matter how you look at it. Before the decision on creating a state for European Jews in the Middle East, Uganda, and Kenya was once considered. Now that’s one to ponder on. I will not get into this being a 2000 plus year war, I highly doubt that, and there’s plenty of evidence to prove otherwise as well. It’s extremely odd that a DNA test is illegal in Israel/Palestine. What are they hiding? According to the author Arthur Koeslter, they may be hiding the fact that they are converts and not the real people of the Old Testament, or the Apocrypha. If one were to read the curses of the people who disobeyed The Most High, you could definitely see the vast difference between those claiming rights to The Holy Land, and those that don’t even realize that Deuteronomy 28 is talking about what happened to their ancestors who didn’t obey God. I’ll leave it there. It doesn’t matter what your faith is, do your due diligence and research for yourself. Go beyond the corporate media outlets that don’t always depict the entire picture. Start asking hard questions no matter how ugly, or uncomfortable it is. Delve deep, while you're there find out what the former President of Egypt Gamal Nassar had to say about the people invading Palestine for the creation of Israel. We as an American Society have been groomed to only read what’s whitewashed, sanitized, and overtly omitted from mass media, and in Western History Books. Do your part by choosing to grow. There are many people speaking out about the injustices occurring in Gaza, and what remains of Palestine. Organizations like If Americans, Breaking the Silence, (Testimonies of former Israeli Soldiers) and Eye On Palestine. There are many other sources, but just start with one. As I’m writing this there’s a ceasefire that I absolutely pray will continue on. It’s sort of strange how Israel was warned that the Hamas attack was coming, obviously it was taken lightly. Let’s keep in mind that the war on Palestinians didn’t begin on October 7th. Thousands of innocent children have been detained, and lives have been changed forever. I find it quite interesting how Israeli hostages are seen waiving to members of Hamas, because they were being treated humanely. It’s extremely sad that Palestinians can’t say the same. Moreover, I hope the people of Palestine can try and rest, and have some ease right now. I hope that they get food, water, and safe shelter. I pray that Palestinians will thrive again, in their own land. I hope that the children of Palestine will be able to obtain the freedom that generations before them did not. I hope Palestinians are able to celebrate their loved ones returning home with full joy, that is not criminalized, or deems them as terrorists for celebrating. May Palestinian joy no longer be delayed. May there be an end to wickedness, and evil in the world wherever it is… I write this fearlessly, because the fear of man will prove a snare, as It is Written. I write this for the love of humanity. I write this in love. I write this because, Ukraine is no different than Palestine. I write this because I am Human first with a beating heart, then I am Black. Freedom for Palestine, April E. Lovely Coils Founder & Owner We didn’t always get our hair straightened. When I say we I mean myself, and my sister right above me in age. She and I are nearer in age so I’m able to recall our hair stories a little easier, than my other sisters. We got our hair washed with what, I don’t know, but I remember mayonnaise being used as a conditioner. Our scalp was greased with a hair grease called Royal Crown. We always had the cutest little hairstyles with hair bows, and our natural coils just radiating with love. I don’t remember why that stopped. I honestly hate that it did. I say that because of all the damage that was on the horizon for my hair. Press and curls became like a ritual before church on Sunday. I’m almost certain that you could smell the scent of burning hair, at least a block away. It was never ending as a little Black girl. The culture conversation around Black hair back then was like, let me make you look pretty. That sentiment still echoes in some circles today. Yet, I am fully aware now that our hair was already pretty. We were already good enough. All throughout my hair journey I’ve always had braids on and off, but I think it was in eighth grade when my already suffering scalp discovered serious harmful chemicals. I got the unfortunate Jerry Curl, activator and all. My uncle’s girlfriend put it in my hair, at my nana’s house. I couldn’t imagine such things today. The irony was that I was getting fake curls that covered up my actual beautiful coils, that had laid dormant beneath all the straightening tools, and now a plethora of chemicals. Harsh brutal chemicals that were just the beginning for my hair. From there, believe it or not I graduated to relaxers. I don’t even remember the first relaxer. I just recall my hair changing hairdressers and chemicals relaxers like I changed clothing. The worst relaxer that I recollect was something called an Hawaiian Silky, and my hair started falling out, as she rinsed the chemicals out of my hair. Proceeding then to ask me some personal questions as to why my hair was falling out; I told her no, those particular things weren’t going on with my body. Looking back she had no knowledge of the fact that my body was responding to those harsh chemicals, and my hair was already delicate to begin with. It was a finer texture. I found out with a different hairdresser, that it was way too harsh for my hair. As Black people we've been told for decades that we don’t measure up. Through slavery and colonization the stripping of the natural beauty of Black People, and especially Black women became apparent. Our various textures have been deemed less than, and not beautiful. Our hair has been called kinky, and nappy, even dreadful. Especially, if it wasn’t close enough in proximity to straight hair. Those that had hair less afro textured, had what our community considered “good hair”. This so-called western, or European “beauty standard” is one that Black People will never measure up to, and shouldn’t want to. All the while every BBL, and lip job, lip plumper, and the like has African aesthetics written all over it. I digress, we have been told if we just assimilate and achieve looks that appeal to whiteness then we will look more presentable, elegant, and possibly more beautiful. This white-washed mentality, viewing what’s acceptable, through the eyes of white supremacy, has been detrimental to our health. The need to fit into society, and look more “well groomed” to others in corporate America has insurmountable costs. Self-esteem is one of those costs. I personally believe the cost is too high, and it’s just not worth it. I wish that I had known these things much earlier in life, I wouldn’t be working to yet heal my hair from the damage it was caused, because I didn’t know any better, and simply duplicated what was done before me. The earlier we teach self love, and self-acceptance in the Black community, the better off we’re going to be. Our people will be healthier inside and out. This will also include reading to our little ones books that affirm their skin, and their hair. This includes products without chemicals. It also includes switching schools if you have to, because your child’s current school, or sports team doesn’t approve of their hairstyle. Above all, understanding that viewing our blackness through proximity to whiteness, is bad for our mental health. All our hair is good. It is all lovely! Every texture, every hue of the human rainbow. It’s time to dig deep, invest in self love, and really love our hair, and all that comes with it. Well, this one was a deep one, thanks for reading! In wholeness, April Etuk Lovely Coils Founder & Owner It’s been a while since I’ve written anything for the Lovely Seeds for the Soul Blog. So, here I am returning to write once again. Not really knowing if anyone besides my blood sisters read this. It’s a little funny, but true. Needless to say I’ve been away, and it’s been a true blessing for me. At times I wasn’t sure if I needed the break, but I soon realized that I truly did. I wore a myriad of hats, and it was time to take a few off. Motherhood doesn’t get a hiatus for me. My motherhood hat is worn 24/7 with a few breaks in between. In today’s society the last thing I want to do is take that hat off. Children need good parents now, more than ever. Pardon my tangent, lol! Moreover, this time away has given great clarity to many things in my life. No lie, every time I thought that I would come back and begin making products, something happened to me. My left leg was injured in three different places during this time off. I had gotten sick with COVID for a second time. It was the COVID with chest pressure, and the inability to breathe well. My anxious thoughts about returning to my business before it was time, always led me to a place where I couldn’t return even if I wanted to.
I was frustrated when it happened, but I finally understood. I needed to be still, so I could listen to my spirit. Quiet my mind so I could be clear. I am a believer in The Most High, so I know HE leads, and guides me. However, I am aware that some reading this may not believe at all, and you have the freedom to do as you choose. No judgment here. Moreover, I’m happy to have arrived in this space. It is a fervent reminder that my lane is my own. I belong nowhere else, but right here, right now in this space, and in this moment, and I am finally ok with that. It took for me to go away for a while, to come to this conclusion, and to see things that I could not before. I spoke early about clarity. I would like to expound on that. I thought I knew what I wanted as a small business owner. I thought I needed to scale up, and expand into stores and be shelved near commercial products like Shea Moisture, in order to be successful, and I do not. I was told by a member of an organization that helps small businesses that I had to use chemicals if I wanted to be on shelves such as Walgreens, and in all the places where commercial products exist. If being “successful” requires me to use toxins that harm my customers, I'm perfectly fine right here. We have enough harmful substances and chemicals in our food, and various hair products laden with harsh chemicals that wreak havoc on the human body. I also learned I’m successful in my own lane, just by existing as a small Black business. Studies have shown that within two years most small businesses go out of business. I’ll be celebrating five years this fall! I also came to the realization that I don’t need social media for my business. Someone else may, and that’s okay. I knew early on when I stepped away that it was time to let it all go. Facebook, and Instagram. I only had twitter for 4 months in 2020. Lol! I had wrestled with the ongoing thought of removing my personal pages as well as my business pages. I think a little FOMO had me hanging on longer than necessary. The toxic environment was enough for me to step away.The comparison was enough for me to step away. The lack of support was enough for me to step away. What’s really funny was a lack of support from people I really knew personally, including a lot of family. I’m not bitter, I’m just clear on what works for me, and what does not. I have to believe the word of mouth, old school advertising (without social media) still works. The day that I let go, and told my small team, they understood. I watched a Ted Talk with a gentleman explaining how he is successful in business, and has never had social media. I figured if he can do it, then I can as well. In August upon the return of Lovely Coils online operations it will be approximately nine months. I found it to be significant because that’s how long it takes a woman to give birth to a child. I believe that my small business, figuratively speaking, is giving birth to something new. Something beautiful. Something wonderful. It honestly wouldn’t have happened, had I come back prematurely. I’ll be doing business the way I’m supposed to do it. That’s actually something I can’t stress enough is that I’m not in competition with any other business at all. I say this because as I was working with a company again that helped small businesses, some of the senior people there at the time always wanted to stress to me that I needed to know my competition. Persistently asking who is your competition? Nah. I choose to have tunnel vision, I do what I do, and other businesses do what they do. I’m happy for them, and wish them much success, but I’m not here to compete with anyone else, except the worst version of myself. I wrote about growing at your own pace, and it was centered around this same topic, you can read it here. While on hiatus my family and I visited a couple of the islands of Hawaii, Kona, and Maui for about 3 weeks, and during the quiet of our stay, I knew something would be different upon my returning home. I wasn’t going to be the same, my business wouldn’t be the same, my health wouldn’t be the same. I was returning home better, wiser, clearer, and even more certain of what I wanted. I knew if I wanted more peace, I’d have to cut some things, like social media. That’s only one of the things that I had to cut. I had an individual tell me I cut off people when I’m hurt. NO, I cut off toxic people, and things, so that I don’t become poisoned. Well, the previous should be a whole other blog post, so I’ll stop there for now. Moreover, if I want to see my business grow, I have to treat it like I believe my products are worth what they are worth. I’ll have to charge what makes sense in an effort to bring a profit without price gouging, and provide the sort of quality experience to the customer. I’d also have to stop treating my business like it’s small. It’s okay to be tiny, but mighty. I can have a small business, but do things big, in the ways that I need to. Like storytime for the little ones coming soon, right here on the website, no YouTube needed. Many months ago it was mentioned in a newsletter, but that is no more. I’m clear, and I’m rested. So for the rest of 2023, here I come! Be well, get some good rest, and thanks for reading this extra long blog post. Grateful to be here, April E. Lovely Coils Founder & Owner When Black History Month rolls around, something happens to our countenance, and deeply resonates like a well within our souls. As Black People, perhaps most of us, become filled with hope. We Inspired by our past, honoring those before us, celebrating their vast achievements, all the while striving to become Black History in the making ourselves.
Our people, Black People are responsible for a myriad of civilizations around the world. Black People are also the source of many creature comforts of everyday life. These inventions and patents are rarely taught throughout the global educational community. A person cannot go a day without using Black Inventions. Wow, imagine that! The plethora of contributions from our people gives us hope. It fosters belief in our tomorrow, and keeps us going. Black History Month creates a little space for which we are called to actively reflect on, and commemorate what is ours__A legacy of excellence. These hidden facts, and historical truths, make us mindful of the spirit of determination, and irrefutable ingenuity that has given life to various industries. It’s almost like excellence is intertwined in our DNA. We just have to unlock the code by learning the stories, teaching them in an effort to lift up our people, and to preserve the Black Joy that belongs to us; despite the cruelties we yet face, and the self-degradation that exists amid our people. There are five days left in the month of February as I write this. I hope you take the time to learn, and appreciate what Black People have done for America, and throughout the world. Black History just happens to be American History, and quite overlooked, it is also a huge part of world history. An appreciation of ourselves will help our communities heal the emotional scars, and wounds that have been passed down from generations before, and the horrors that we experienced today. Be sure to click the links provided within the text to help you start your Black History Journey today! Be well, and be inspired, I’m signing off now. Full of Black Joy, April Etuk Lovely Coils Founder & Owner Being a woman of African descent, I felt compelled to write about freedom. I started writing for a post in June. It was going to be about Juneteenth. Well that didn’t happen. I was a little frustrated when I realized time had passed and June was over. Another missed month for a post, which was intended to be monthly, but life gets in the way. Well, I was wrong. The timing is perfect. As fireworks are being lit up tonight (and I love the sight of fireworks) for the Fourth of July it is imperative to remember that everyone during 1776 was not free. Although white settlers were declaring their freedom from Great Britain, Black people held captive as slaves were yet slaves, and The Indigenous people were at war for their land, freedom, and preservation of their of way of life. Many of them had been enslaved as well.
Freedom costs indigenous people’s their land, and families, it was an unnecessary bloody bath for land that never belonged to white settlers. The indigenous people believed that the land was to be shared, and no one should own it. While freedom was being declared against Britain, Black men, woman, and children were yet being beaten, sexually abused, and treated inhumanely. So for many who choose not to celebrate, look not down upon them. Seek to find out what it truly cost for the people whose blood and history made it possible for America to be what it is today. Delve into the bloody past and present woes which hide behind the American Flag, and see what it costs. See that The Constitution of the United States counted former Black Kings, and Queens as 3/5 of a person although they built the White House, and much more. The Declaration of Independence speaks of the Indigenous as merciless, ruthless, savages. It is Written that a thief comes but to kill, steal, and destroy…. So there are non washable bloodstains on the hands of those that established this country. There is blood that screams from the ground from countless lives lost just to establish what we now call America. There are trees that gave witness to the inhumane treatment of human beings, because their branches were forced to hang them. It was something that their branches were never intended for. All of this is absolute savagery to me. However you choose to celebrate or not, it’s absolutely your choice. Just remember the whole unlovely story, and possibly be grateful for those whose enslavement, and sacrifice help make America what it is today. We are the people. In honor of those who paid the price, April E. Lovely Coils Founder & Owner |
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