Sometimes life feels like an uphill climb. An endless battle of sorts, that can make you feel defeated, and hopeless. Oftentimes with thoughts like, “what’s the purpose of getting up everyday.” Well, since it’s the month of April, and my name is April, and the definition means, “to open”.... Perhaps, I could open your eyes to something that you may not think about everyday. You are a warrior, a fighter, and a champion, regardless of what it feels like, or looks like in your situation. Follow me for a moment, what if you could look at it this way?… There are negative forces that come against me, just to get me to quit. Hoping that I won’t finish the race that I started. Anxiously awaiting the moment that I “tap out”, because if I keep going then all of the opposing forces lose. All of the people, or negative situations that sprung forth along my journey of life become a lie. So therefore, if I have the audacity to bloom where I’m planted, thereby getting up everyday, I will annihilate all that has come against me. Naysayers, unbelievers, sickness, lack, it doesn’t matter. It won’t define me. It won’t win.
Are your eyes open wide yet? Think about it, if it’s negative, it didn’t come to leave you better off, it came to steal from you leaving you depleted, but you can flip it. You can learn from it, and grow from it. You lovely, are a champion. You are a force to be reckoned with. Though it may not feel like it, you certainly are champ, a fighter. Think about all the things that you overcame. Think about it, going all the way back to childhood, those negative situations, and circumstances. See you’ve arisen from all of that, and you’re still here. So I want you to open your eyes, look in the mirror, and declare not now, not ever will I give up. Quitting is not optional. There’s more in me, more for me, so no matter what comes my way, I will not stop getting up. I may take a rest in the corner like champion fighters do, but I’m not out. I will not be defeated. With Love, April E. Lovely Coils Found & Owner
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