If you are a person of color or have any biracial mixture, I would almost bet that you’ve been faced with the notion that you need to reject, or change something about you. Reject your Black heritage, your Indigenous heritage, Asiatic heritage, Latino heritage, reject whatever supplies you with melanin. Reject your hair...Unfortunately, we’ve heard some of these sentiments within the bloodlines of our own families. Quite possibly from those who are supposed to nurture us, and instill self-esteem, and self-acceptance. Maybe you’ve heard something of this sort: lighten your skin, straighten your hair, marry someone _____________, so your children will be less_____________, Don’t tell anyone you have ____________ in your DNA, because they’re inferior or less than. Maybe you heard you need a nose job cause it’s too________________, and even possibly something as foolish as all of your ancestors were _______________, and you’ll never be anything because of it.
Well, I beg to differ with those negative sentiments, and offer you quite the contrary! Why, because once I got the revelation when my baby girl was one years old, that I was a byproduct of all the good and bad seeds that were in my life, I had to go to work mentally and spiritually, and get those things uprooted. Therefore, the negative seeds could no longer bear any fruit, and it has done wonders for my spirit. It’s ridiculous the malicious words spoken, and planted into the lives of many. Over time those ugly seeds are watered, scattered throughout humanity, scarring individuals spirits, yielding the sour fruits of self-hate, degradation, shame, bitterness, and jealousy. While the one that chose to speak those words, have the stain of colonization on their psyche, and are blinded to the side-effects for generations to come. If you are one of these individuals that has sown hateful words or, one who is affected by them...it’s time to get those things out of your ground. Get them out of the soil of your spirit, so new seeds can be planted, and so that your life can yield beautiful sweet fruit, and those that encounter you can benefit from it. Allow yourself to get a renewed mind. Get in the mirror, and try this lovely...say I’m wonderfully made, my skin is lovely, my hair is lovely, my heritage is lovely, and I have lovely roots. If you are courageous enough try telling someone that is faced with thoughts with inferiority, and tell them do do the same. Spread loveliness around. The world could definitely use more of it. With great love for humanity, April E. Lovely Coils, Founder & Owner
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